"Bloggers are liars. They use all sort of ways to cheat others. From what I know, out of 10,000 unemployed bloggers, 8,000 are women." Yeah, u heard it right. This is the response from Malaysian Tourism Minister-Tengku Adnan after being asked about the comments made by an Indonesian journalist, Nila Tanzil in her blog.
What a surprise? Not to me. It happens all the time, in Bolehland. It happened before, and it'll happen in the future, with the qualities that we have in most of our Yang Berhormat. As we all known, our Yang Berhormat are not so good in handling criticism and accusation. Instead of taking it as an advice, they usually response in negative ways:
- Denial. They just deny everything (the most common technique).
- Blaming the others.It's not their fault, it's other department, ministry, or even God who makes the mistakes (Mr.Samy is the master in this art).
- "Teh gong". Throw out a new issue to turn the focus away to other unrelated subjects, hoping that people will forget about current issue.
- "Fa lan zha". They lambast and hit back with thoughtless and stupid statement (like our Tourism Minister) or they accuse the critics as having bad motive (Mr. Hishamuddin is the best).
In conclusion: " Politicians are useless. They use all sorts of (stupid) ways to avoid responsibilities. From what I know, out of 100 Yang Berhormat, 80 are incompetence (a.k.a 笨蛋白痴)." Of course, the statement is based on reliable sources and facts.
Tengku adnan good, tengku adnan "royal family" wor
Malaysian politicians are very immature becoz there is no strong opposition. anyway good point.
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